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Useful Resources
From time to time we all need to find something or someone, to help us achieve a successful puppet or model theatre build. With that in mind, we hope the following information will be of some use to you, and help you create something magical.
Active builders in the Guild.
Puppet Builders:
(who build in the 'Muppet' style)
Chris Kendall
Joe Peek
Antony Haigh
Leo Rossi
Liam Thompson
Bee Daws
Basil Marriott Waite
Steve Lewis
(specialising in lookalike puppets)
Jamie Marks
Katie Wyatt
Puppeteers - Hand & Rod puppetry.
Puppet Companies.
Hand Puppet Builders.
Rosie Cleary
Resources for Marionette Puppetry:
Puppet Builders:
Training :
Ronnie Le Drew occasionally runs classes at:
Ronnie also runs private classes
(subject to availability)
3 day ‘Marionette Manipulation’ session:
The Curious School of Puppetry
Puppet Companies:
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